44 Park Avenue, Whitman, MA 02382
Contact us: allsaintsparishrector@gmail.com
Services: Sunday 8AM & 10 AM
Looking for meaning? Wondering if there is anything more to life than daily routine? Hoping there is a God but don’t know how to have a relationship? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the season of Lent was made for you. Lent has little to do with "giving things up" but, instead, it is a time of getting to know yourself better, letting go of past hurts, disappointments, or regret and feeling the loving embrace of God.
What follows are time-proven ways that have been used by sinners and saints throughout the ages to grow closer to God. We invite you to try one, two or more of them. We will be keeping you in our prayers, kindred pilgrim, whether we know you or not, and rest assured that God is, not only walking with you to on your journey this lent but is raising you to the new life of Easter.
Lent invites us to pray. But what is prayer? Prayer is simply the surge of the heart towards God. How to do that can seem complicated and undoable. Prayer and praying styles are as unique as we are. Click here are a few suggestions:
Fasting, or the voluntary giving up of food, is practiced by many religions and cultures. Fasting during Lent is to purposedly make a space for God. Click here for a few ideas.
Charitable giving is a very ancient practice. Sometimes known as almsgiving, it was a customary practice long before the time of Jesus. The Lenten call to almsgiving means making the needs of other people our own. We become aware and respond to the suffering in others. Sharing our material goods is often just the beginning of real giving. We are also called to share our time tending to people in need.
Lenten Events
Monday Night Devotional Study
A Season of the Spirit
2/19 - 3/18 Monday Nights
Friday Night
3/1 Way of the Cross with Fish &Chips
Friday Night Meditation
3/8 Open Church/Quiet Meditation
Holy Week
3/25 Way of the Cross
3/26 The Voices of Easter
3/27 Tenebrae
Triduum Begins
3/28 5 PM Mediterranean Remembrance Dinner
6 PM Maundy Thursday Service
Washing of the Feet
7 PM The Watch Begins
10 PM Compline
11 PM The Last Words of Christ
Good Friday
3/29 8 AM Morning Prayer
3/29 12 PM Good Friday Service
3/29 7 PM The Commemoration & Burial of our Lord Jesus Christ
Holy Saturday3/30 8 AM Morning Prayer
3/30 6 PM Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
3/31 8 AM Easter Eucharist Service
3/31 10 AM Festal Holy Eucharist