44 Park Avenue, Whitman, MA 02382
Contact us: allsaintsparishrector@gmail.com
Services: Sunday 8AM & 10 AM

The Rev. Dr. Michele Louise Matott
Rector Preacher Educator Companion in Ministry
Guided by Christ’s love and grace, I am a “boots on the ground” bi-vocational priest who serves the poor and homeless as administrator of a transitional housing program for homeless moms and their children and, rector of an enthusiastic community of Christ followers. This blessing allows me to put into word and practice Christ’s love and teaching while empowering the ministry of others.

Regina Gurney
Senior Warden
For three decades, Regina and husband, Mal have served All Saints Episcopal Church in every capacity. As Senior Warden, Regina has led our parish through the COVID pandemic and the transition to a new rector. Her leadership, service and devotion are a inspiration to us all.

Tom Rudolph
Jr. Warden

Richard W. Tingblad

Leslie Bresnahan

Barbara Wight

Craig Ahearn
Music Director

Louisa Tingblad
Altar Guild & Sexton

Peggy Parrot
Gardens & Thrift Shop

Jennifer Rudolph
Newsletter Editor

kristin Brodeur
Sunday's Cool

Sarah Doyle
Sunday's Cool

Ed Donadio
Coffee Hour Mngr.