44 Park Avenue, Whitman, MA 02382
Contact us: allsaintsparishrector@gmail.com
Services: Sunday 8AM & 10 AM
The Service of Light & Vespers: Evening Prayer for Advent
Sun, Dec 03
Come and join the quiet and comfort for a short Advent Eve Service

Time & Location
Dec 03, 2023, 7:00 PM – 7:40 PM
About The Event
To observe Advent is to wait, instead of racing ahead to the end of the story, Christmas. We read
psalms and the prophets and by doing so, we practice waiting with the children of Israel in the
dark times when they hoped against hope for a Messiah. The people of the Old Testament
modeled our own anticipation for a second great coming of Christ. We rest and wait, listen and
pray during Advent, trusting that new life, new light will come. Hoping, that the One, lying in
the manger, the One who walked out of the tomb, will return and bring us to that place where
sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing, but life everlasting.