44 Park Avenue, Whitman, MA 02382
Contact us: allsaintsparishrector@gmail.com
Services: Sunday 8AM & 10 AM
A time of prayer, repentance, discovery, and renewal
Our Lenten journey begins on Ash Wednesday. On that day, we are marked with the sign of the cross with ashes from the remains of last year’s palms from Palm/Passion Sunday. The cross and the burnt palms are to remind us of Holy Week and Jesus’ suffering and death. Ashes, throughout the Bible, were signs of repentance and remorse. The words, “remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return”, remind us of our mortality. This is the season to remember that we all make mistakes, to remember that we are forgiven, and that we can move on. We begin our journey to renewal…our journey from death (ashes/cross) to life (Easter/love).
God is on the Move
In the beginning, God moved over the watery chaos, and the earth was formed. God moved through the desert leading the Hebrews to the Promised Land. God moved a stone and Jesus was resurrected. God is moving again...here at All Saints. Over the next year we will be moving, too, by growing our personal faith, growing our parish relationships, and growing our outreach. Our Lenten journey offers a variety of ways to target these specific areas while preparing our hearts and souls for the great celebration of Easter.
A time of prayer, repentance, discovery, and renewal
Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion
8am Reading of the Passion and Holy Eucharist
10am Gather outside, join the parade, dramatic reading of the Passion, presentation of the cross, Holy Eucharist...no coffee hour...all leave in silence
Meeting ID: 847 0097 6053 Passcode: 1910
Holy Monday
5pm The Way of the Cross
Meeting ID: 836 8194 3001 Passcode: 735305
Holy Tuesday
5pm Voices of the Cross – Nine characters present monologues describing their experiences the week Jesus died. These “voices” offer imaginary accounts with insights that can help us enter into the events in a richer way.
Meeting ID: 836 8194 3001 Passcode: 735305
Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday)
5pm Tenebrae - The word “Tenebrae” comes from the Latin word for “darkness” or “shadows”. The evening will be marked by the gradual extinction of candles, culminating in the “strepitus”, a loud noise symbolizing the earthquake described in the passion narratives.
Meeting ID: 836 8194 3001 Passcode: 735305
Maundy Thursday
5pm Mediterranean Dinner -please sign up for a dish to share
6:15ish – Maundy Thursday – washing of feet, altar of repose, stripping of the altar – all leave in silence
Meeting ID: 836 8194 3001 Passcode: 735305
The Watch begins
10pm Compline – virtual
Meeting ID: 819 5932 2817 Passcode: 152863
Midnight The Last Sayings of Jesus – virtual
Meeting ID: 841 1281 7052 Passcode: 155753
Good Friday
6:30am Scripture, prayer, music help prepare us for the day ahead
Meeting ID: 835 6901 1376 Passcode: 485417
8am Morning Prayer – virtual
Meeting ID: 823 0280 4307 Passcode: 572638
Noon Good Friday Liturgy – Passion According to John, Veneration of the Cross, Consumption of the Sacrament – lunch of soup and bagels follows
Meeting ID: 813 7980 0799 Passcode: 14549
5pm Burial of Jesus
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83681943001?pwd=bVcyMWNRczNTbFVISVo4Y0VNR1pFQT09Meeting ID: 836 8194 3001 Passcode: 735305
8am Morning Prayer – virtual
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84697859698?pwd=bUZZY2c1MGFId3FnU2lYNDhWeDFvUT09Meeting ID: 846 9785 9698 Passcode: 657746
7pm Easter Vigil – new fire, candles, stories, champagne, bring your favorite chocolate or appetizers– THE PRINCIPAL SERVICE OF THE YEAR
Meeting ID: 879 0047 3253 Passcode: 173506
Easter Morning – Ring bells, shout “AL....”, play in the bubbles 8am and 10am
Meeting ID: 847 0097 6053 Passcode: 1910